(L to R) YG's album "Still Brazy", Joey Purp's album "iiiDrops", Juicy J, Wiz Khalifa & TM88 collaborative album "TGOD Mafia: Rude Awakening" and Kodak Black's "Lil Big Pac" |
**YG - Still Brazy** - Been playing this since it dropped last night and it pales in comparison to "My Krazy Life". Now it's a *solid* album on its own 2 feet but YG wouldn't be in the place he is now if he released "Still Brazy" first. "Still Brazy" is an alright album with some pretty good moments while "My Krazy Life" was a great album with excellent moments. Also, "Twist My Fingaz" is the best song on there, which really disappointed me cause that single was the whole reason I even got hyped for this album in the first place. Still, I'm walking away with some cuts from here that I'll be playing all summer long. I'll elaborate more on the official discussion thread of this album, I'm also writing a full length review of this album as well. These are my 1st impressions obviously.
Fav tracks: Twist My Fingaz, Gimmie Got Shot, Bool Balm & Bollective, Still Brazy, I Got a Question, Blacks & Browns
*TL;DR Solid album, but not a worthy successor to "My Krazy Life"*
**Joey Purp - iiiDrops** - Finally got around to listening to this project after hearing some buzz around it and it's definitely *not* overhyped. This shit is *nice*. Joey knows how to pick interesting and fresh beats. The song "Photobooth" has one of the most unique beats I've ever heard and the whole project is very concise. At only 11 tracks there were only 2 tracks I really wasn't fucking with and those were "Say You Do" and "Kids". "Say You Do" bored me cause Joey's shallow subject matter couldn't carry him on that off kilter-but-in-a-way type beat and I hate Joey's use of auto tune on "Kids" or as he pronounces it "KEEEEDDDSSS" lol. But yeah, every other track I was fucking with, I wish Joey was a better rapper though, he keeps the same flow throughout the entire tape and I wanted him to switch it up, but Joey has interesting enough beats to where he doesn't need to switch up the flow with his voice. Great project. Check out this project. I wrote a full review for it [here.](http://www.ilikeitstill.com/joey-purp-iiidrops-track-track-review/)
Fav tracks: Morning Sex, Money & Bitches, Winners Circle, Escape, Godbody, When I'm Gone, Photobooth, Corner Store
*TL;DR Joey shows promise as a new up and coming rapper, I'm definitely looking forward to whatever he has next, dude made me a fan off this mixtape*
**Kodak Black - Lil Big Pac** - I ain't fucking with this shit at all. Kodak has some moments of brilliance on this tape and if the entire tape was like the songs "Everything 1K" and "Can I?" than this tape would be flames, but the middle portion of this mixtape is so fucking weak compared to the beginning and end of the tape. Once the tape gets passed the song with Boosie, it's a boring mess until it picks back up "Young Prodigy", the songs "Today" and "Purp" bore the fuck outta me. Kodak sounds like he's about to fall asleep on those songs and he's not a strong lyricist, so he can't do that "boring flow" I like to call it like Earl does where he spits insane bars like it's literally nothing to him. A few solid individual tracks though (like "Letter" "Blood Sweat Tears Revenge" and "Young Prodigy") but as a whole, I was glad when I finished this fucking tape, I ain't going back to this shit again. I also wrote a full review for this project [here.](http://www.ilikeitstill.com/kodak-black-lil-big-pac-track-track-review/)
Fav Tracks: Everything 1k, Can I, Young Prodigy, Letter, Blood Sweat Tears Revenge
*TL;DR I don't like this shit, Kodak ain't for me*
**Juicy J x Wiz Khalifa x TM88 - TGOD Mafia: Rude Awakening** - I swear, Juicy J can make a song out of anything, this project actually surprised me though. As soon as I heard the intro, I knew what to expect...Juicy J talking about Juicy J shit, money, ratchet pussy, drugs and why you shouldn't fuck with him lol. This project is more of a Juicy J x TM 88 project with a bunch of Wiz Khalifa features on it. Juicy and Khalifa don't play off each like a true tag team like Run the Jewels would where they trade verses and weave in and out of each other's verses seemlessly. This project is like a way less hyped "What a Time to Be Alive" with 2 rappers who have a dedicated, core following. I fucks with this project cause it doesn't pretend to be anything deep or meaningful, it's 16 banging beats that sound great on a nice speaker with Juicy J and Wiz going in on them. Simple. I like simple.
Fav tracks: Da Power, I See I Want It, On the Way and a bunch of other tracks I'm forgetting, this whole track bleeds together pretty well thanks to TM88.
*TL;DR Juicy J is an entertaining as fuck rapper, and shines the most on here by only being himself and not pretending to be anything else. TM88's production is banging and bassy as fuck, and I love it...oh, and Wiz Khalifa is here too*